Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection – A Look Back to the Future

Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection – A Look Back to the Future

For many, the launch of the Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection on November 15 for PS4 and Xbox One (November 18 for UK, and November 17 for the rest of Europe) will be a celebration of the series’ most beloved Assassin and his adventures through a turbulent Italian Renaissance. It’s a chance to revisit favorite places, moments, and characters, and to see them in a new light thanks to enhanced graphics that include 1080p resolution, improved draw distance, and a host of improved visual effects to take advantage of the current console generation.

“The Assassins Creed franchise has always be known for stunning visuals and we’ve been very careful to keep the game feel authentic, just more beautiful,” says Xu Zhiyong, lead producer at Virtuos Studio. “For us our work is all about dialing up the beauty and making a much loved world even more vivid, engaging & immersive for the players.”

Those that have yet to play the games in The Ezio Collection (Assassin’s Creed II, Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood, and Assassin’s Creed Revelations) will see how formative these adventures were for the series, and why they still hold up after all of these years.

“I still don’t know how [the Assassin’s Creed team] got the courage to pull that one out. I mean, if you look at the context, we released Assassin’s Creed in 2007, establishing a new brand, with an amazing protagonist,” says Aymar Azaïzia, head of content for Assassin’s Creed. “To shake everything up and go for a time period that was almost untouched in the video game world, and seemed at that point so far from an action-adventure game setting, was a bold move that still impresses me after all these years!”

You can head over to the official Assassin’s Creed site for more of Aymar’s thoughts on Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection and how its titular character evolved over the years. For more information on the game and the Assassin’s Creed series, check out our previous coverage:

Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection Announced for PS4, Xbox One

Assassin’s Creed – How It All Began

Assassin’s Creed II – How the Series Evolved

The post Assassin’s Creed The Ezio Collection – A Look Back to the Future appeared first on UbiBlog – Ubisoft®.

UbiBlog – Ubisoft®

The Author

Giancarlo Varanini picked up a controller at the age of four and hasn’t put it down since. This makes things like eating hamburgers or driving a vehicle incredibly problematic. You might remember his previous work from great media outlets such as GameSpot, EGM, Official US PlayStation Magazine, Nintendo Power, and others. Follow him on Twitter: @gvaranini
