Bing Launches Dashboard For Copyright Infringement Claims

Monday, October 3, 2016

Bing Enhances the Copyright Infringement Claims Process with New, Easy-to-Use Dashboard

Lack of communication is a leading cause of divorce. Communication is vital, and sharing the status of a copyright infringement notice is no exception. Which is why Bing just made this easier.

A new online dashboard provides insight into the status of a copyright removal request, as well as providing overall historical submission statistics. This dashboard is now available for users who submit DMCA notices via our online form or API.


How Bing Receives Copyright Notices

Bing typically receives requests to remove links due to copyright infringement claims, also known as DMCA notices, through three different channels: email, an online form, and for certain users, an API.

Email is the least efficient and prone to error such as missing or incomplete information. When submitters leverage the online form or the API, they decrease the chance of rejection due to incomplete or incorrect information.

Bing’s online form solves the problems of email submissions by providing submitters a fill-in form with guides for all of the required information. Most submitters are recommended to use the online form.

After hitting the submit button, an email will arrive with a submission reference number, for example, 604ab644-2a38-4bbc-a839-2034471731c1. Individual submissions such as this, as well as overall historical statistics, are viewable through the dashboard.

For rights owners who submit high volumes of DMCA notices, Bing’s API program is the most efficient method for requesting link removals due to copyright infringement. The API program is reserved for frequent submitters with a demonstrated history of valid submissions.

Submitter Dashboard

The dashboard’s top table shows submission statistics for all notices received by a Copyright Owner or their authorized agent. A submission is accepted if it contains all of the information required by the DMCA. That does not mean, however, that the (alleged) infringing URLs specified within the notice are automatically removed. Finally, submissions in the pending state indicates that Bing is currently processing the notice.

The next table shows statistics for all alleged infringing URLs within all notices sent by a Copyright Owner. The table depicts the overall number of URLs accepted, rejected or still being processed.

The final table shows the status of individual submissions and current status for the URLs contained within each submission.


Clicking on and individual submission ID will display the details for that specific submission.

In Conclusion

Bing wants to ensure that copyright owners send valid DMCA notices and that those notices are acted upon promptly. The online form and API help accomplish this. Having insight into the status of these notices helps copyright owners stay better informed and, in turn, promotes the use of such tools to help Bing respond in an expeditious manner.
Chad Foster
Bing Program Manager


