Google’s Chrome will add new ‘Not secure’ warnings later this year

Have a search box or form on your website that runs over HTTP? You might want to switch your pages over to HTTPS by October.

Google has announced new efforts within Chrome to encourage webmasters and site owners to move their sites to HTTPS. Later this year, Google’s Chrome browser will show a warning message on pages that have search boxes or forms to fill out.

Google said, “[in] October 2017, Chrome will show the ‘Not secure’ warning in two additional situations: when users enter data on an HTTP page, and on all HTTP pages visited in Incognito mode.”

Here is the timeline for this Chrome launch:

Google’s Chrome will add new ‘Not secure’ warnings later this year

Here is a GIF of how it will function:

Google’s Chrome will add new ‘Not secure’ warnings later this year

Chrome recently added that pages with logins are required to be over HTTPS and even sent out webmaster warnings about the change.

Ultimately, Google wants to mark any web page over HTTP as insecure — but that will take them some time to accomplish.


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