NASA Announcement: NO Aliens, There’s Something Really Neat [Live]

NASA Announcement: NO Aliens, There’s Something Really Neat [Live]

There have always been rumours about NASA hiding its findings on alien life. The space agency said that it will make an announcement about “new findings on planets orbiting other stars” and everybody speculated that NASA would announce something about aliens. It was a buzz all around which can now come to rest as NASA has confirmed in a tweet that the announcement isn’t about aliens.

NASA Announcement: NO Aliens, There’s Something Really Neat [Live]

The original tweet mentioned that the space agency will start a live stream of the announcement at 1 PM ET and it has already started. The tweet in itself didn’t offer any detail on exactly what the company would announce about, but the general idea of exoplanets made people think it to be about aliens.

As the announcement has already started, we will soon get to know what NASA has for all of us to see. There were a lot of tweets from people all over the world expecting it to be alien life for the big NASA announcement. But with a tweet right before the announcement started was enough to clear that it wasn’t exactly we were going to look at.

Though, NASA did mention about an “exciting news”, which we do look forward to in this announcement. Being a live announcement, the people can also ask questions directly the experts using the hashtag #askNASA.

NASA has discovered seven inner planets that can support life and three of which are in the Goldilocks-like habitable zone. The planets are neither too hot, nor too cold and are capable of supporting life. The planets are circling a star called Trappist-1, which is a dim and ultra-cool dwarf star, much cooler and redder than the Sun and barely larger than Jupiter, according to NASA.

The star is just 40 light years away from the Sun and all the planets are of the size of the Earth. This is for the first time so many habitable planets have been discovered together in one single planetary system. The three planets that are being said to be habitable can have oceans, further adding to their capabilities of hosting life.

NASA Announcement: NO Aliens, There’s Something Really Neat [Live]

TRAPPIST-1 was discovered in 2010 when the scientists were hunting for the smallest stars close to the Sun. Only after carefully analysing the star for the transits and witnessing 34 of them, it was concluded that the star has seven planets revolving around it. TRAPPIST-1 is a fairly young star and will live for another 10 trillion years, which is enough for life to flourish. Scientists say that eve after the Sun runs out of fuel and the solar system is destroyed, the newly discovered star will be in its infancy.


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