Pinned August 18, 2017

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Nintendo’s Switch news channel is giving away free ‘Zelda’ food
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Nintendo’s Switch news channel is giving away free ‘Zelda’ food

Saqib Shah, @eightiethmnt

August 09, 2017 
Nintendo's Switch news channel is giving away free 'Zelda' food |

Who bothers to check gaming news on their Switch when there’s this little thing called Twitter? Well, Nintendo may have finally figured out a way to put its news feed to good use. It turns out, it’s using the Zelda: Breath of the Wild channel to offer hands-on tutorials, with free in-game items. To start with, the gifts are pretty boring. Instead of dishing out something cool, like horse armor, all that’s available right now are meat and apples. But that’s not to say the items won’t get better over time.

Power up your Switch and you should see the latest update to the news channel. It essentially tells players how they can feed meat or fruit to specific animals in Zelda‘s open world. Pretty straightforward thus far, right? The neat trick, however, is that when you tap the clickable link at the end of the update, you’ll spawn in-game with three pieces of food. These tend to be split between basic meat and apples. Of course, be sure to have the game in your system, otherwise it won’t work. It also seems like you can keep grabbing the items to your heart’s content. Unless, Nintendo decides to disable the link when the next update drops.

It may read like a gimmick to get you checking game promos for now, but it could be worth keeping an eye on. Especially if Nintendo keeps dishing out free stuff. For example, players would be pretty chuffed if the Splatoon 2 channel started dropping free swag. If you’re looking to populate your feed with more updates, just hit the news icon from the Switch home screen, and select find channels. Then, scroll through the list and start following the ones you like.

Source: Kotaku


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