Risk Urban Assault – Conquer Collapsing Cities With Old-School Strategy

Risk Urban Assault – Conquer Collapsing Cities With Old-School Strategy

A beloved board game is about to get apocalyptic on consoles with Risk Urban Assault, which brings the classic strategy formula into a dark future of anarchy and societal collapse. Focusing on five city maps that represent disaster-struck versions of New York, London, Paris, Hamburg, and Shanghai, it puts up to five players in control of rival factions and lets them battle for control of civilization’s remnants.

Each faction brings something different to the fight, whether it’s a full army, new technology, or a criminal organization. Factions also feature unlockable commanders with unique abilities, like bombardments and troop reinforcements, which can quickly turn the tide of a battle.

Risk Urban Assault features plenty of strategic features that go beyond skirmishes for territory, as you’ll be able to build military bases and broadcast towers to bolster your control, take charge of city councils, put bounties on opponents, and offer incentives to other players so that they’ll form temporary alliances with you. Playable offline in both campaign and custom game modes, Risk Urban Assault will also let you jump straight into a quick online match, or join a league and build your reputation as a commander.

Risk Urban Assault is coming August 2 for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, and PS3. Be sure to keep an eye on UbiBlog for future coverage.

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UbiBlog – Ubisoft®

The Author

Mikel Reparaz has been an editor at GamesRadar, PlayStation: The Official Magazine, MacLife, and Official Xbox Magazine. He now works as a Communications Mercenary on the UbiBlog. Follow him on Twitter: @Wikiparaz
