The 5 Benefits of Having a Server Based Network for Small Business Ventures

— April 22, 2017

The 5 Benefits of Having a Server Based Network for Small Business Ventures

Personal or business computers networked in a peer to peer fashion might function well when the number of interconnected users ranges from 2 to 3. If the number of users exceeds the aforementioned range, you should consider setting up a server to serve all your online business requirements.

A server based network has several benefits that are tailor made for small business ventures. Let’s take a peek at a few of them without further ado.

  1. A server gives your business a whole lot of reliability

Every business wants to lay their foundations on a bed of reliability. If that’s your thing, a server is an absolute must for you.

Why? Let’s see.

Say for example, you have three working PCs on an interlinked network connection. If one PC fails (on basis of any motherboard, hard disk or power supply faults) on the interlinked network, your entire system goes down until and unless the problems are diagnosed successfully with proper solutions.

A server, on the other hand is an effective solution to such a serious issue. Server hardware maintains redundant hardware to tackle these issues at moment’s notice.

In such cases, the failure of one device doesn’t guarantee the failure of the entire server system. Thus, it can continue to serve your business with full gusto even after the failure of a petty little associated device unlike your interlinked PCs. Reliability you wanted, reliability you’ll get.

  1. A server provides your business with network security

This can be considered one of the best and most significant benefits of a server. By creating distinguished group and individual accounts, individual right can be assigned to users based on the nature and amount of data they can access on basis of their requirements.

This can bring down unauthorized data access to a great extent and can provide your network with additional security that you had craved for in the past.

For example:

If you have a sales team and a HR team in your company, both would not be able to access data of one another even if the entire data is present on a single server.

  1. A server provides your business with a seamless remote accessibility

A Windows 2008 server would give you the option to have 2 remote users on its network at the same time by default. And it also gives you the opportunity to add as many remote users you want in the near future through Remote Desktop licensing or a 3rd party software.

Thus, geographical barriers cease to be a problem anymore. Your workers will be able to work remotely and access files on your server whenever they want wherever they are.

They would also be able to access their individual company emails from any web browser on their respective devices whenever they want from anywhere in the world. You can’t ask for more than that; can you?

  1. A server provides your business with a centralized back up facility

Data losses occur commonly in workplaces for several reasons ranging from machine failures to carelessness. These things create huge issues especially when the workplace functions in the absence of a server.

A server can be considered a blessing in this aspect because it aids a lot in smoothing up your data backup process. You will be able to back up all your data including your mails to a centralized storage on your server and reduce all the hassles associated with data losses thereby, improving your workplace productivity at the same time.

  1. A server system aids in proper virus management

One of the greatest threats faced by your network is a possible virus or spyware infection. Hence, an antivirus system is an absolute necessity these days.

A server system can aid a lot in convenient virus management. The system administrator will be able to deploy the anti-virus software from a single PC to each workstation PC connected on the network, run a network wide scan as a whole (including the devices connected on the WiFi network) and remove all sorts of viruses if any.

So you can very well see that this convenience is basically unmatched. Thanks to the compact server system, the entire virus management process can be done from a single PC itself.

Always remember that expenses incurred in creating a server based network isn’t just a cost. It’s an investment; an invest having high ROI especially when your small business venture is concerned. It’s definitely going to benefit you in the long run.

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Author: Steven Scheck

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