Watch Peter Dinklage Sing Triumphantly About Tyrion Lannister Surviving “Game of Thrones” This Long

Will Tyrion survive season 5? Nobody knows. He’s still around now, though, and celebrating it musically, in a new trailer for Red Nose Day.

Death has been foreshadowed several times on Game of Thrones by the dour tones of Lannister anthem, “The Rains of Castamere.” So it’s only fitting that the actor who plays Tyrion Lannister celebrates his character’s unlikely, prolonged survival with song as well.

Red Nose Day, the lighthearted British charity for children, is coming to America for the first time with a live benefit show on NBC, May 21, and a promised Game of Thrones musical. Coldplay have already tweeted out proof of their involvement—an image of frontman Chris Martin carrying on with cast members, some of whom have already shed the show’s mortal coil. As a teaser, the band’s YouTube page has also released a clip of Peter Dinklage’s big solo. Boy, is he ever glad (and a little surprised) to still be alive, and since Tyrion is one of the noblest characters on the show, most viewers are probably glad too.

Watch the above clip to hear the surprisingly melodious Dinklage kick out the jams with backup dancers in advance of the main event.

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