Adobe Advertising Cloud Search Announces New Integrations With Microsoft Bing

Adobe Advertising Cloud Search Announces New Integrations With Microsoft Bing

by Laurie Sullivan @lauriesullivan, November 15, 2017

Adobe Advertising Cloud, the company’s search advertising solution, deepened its relationship with Microsoft Bing on Wednesday with the announcement of three new offerings for bid management and optimization of Bing search inventory.

Adobe Advertising Cloud Search Announces New Integrations With Microsoft Bing |

Retargeting Lists for Search Ads (RLSA), Custom Audiences, and Dynamic Search Ads (DSA) are the new capabilities for search.

Pete Kluge, group manager, product marketing for Adobe Advertising Cloud, called this integration “a game-changer” for brands that use Adobe Advertising Cloud Search to buy ads on Bing.

“We first started working on these new capabilities earlier this year with an eye toward helping advertisers make their search buys on Bing more personalized and effective,” he said. Kluge said Adobe has enabled advertisers to automate targeted buys of search ads on Bing for years.

“It has been a productive collaboration — and one we’re excited to expand over time with deeper capabilities for automation, personalization and measurement,” he said.

The new integration extends a relationship that began in July 2013 and was deepened in April 2017 when Bing announced Adobe as its first partner for Custom Audiences.

Search has become a major focus for Adobe. The company completed its acquisition of Efficient Frontier in January 2012. After rebranding the company and its offering several times, Adobe landed on Advertising Cloud Search in March 2017.

Although Adobe does not break out specific numbers on each of its offerings overall, Advertising Cloud manages $3 billion in spend annually.

RLSA supports brands looking to target consumers who demonstrate a strong intent for a product or service through a search or other online action such as research. Adobe’s Advertising Cloud Search now gives advertisers an option to segment consumer behavior for audience targeting to improve ad performance and personalization.

Advertisers build an audience of consumers — based on behavior — who have visited the advertiser’s site and expressed intent by their actions including visits to product pages or placing items in an online shopping cart. They also can set bid modifiers for specific audiences and leverage portfolio optimization algorithms. If the consumer did not make a purchase the first time and later searches for the same or related product, the advertiser can target that consumer with a personalized message or landing page.

Custom Audiences allow Bing search advertisers to tap into audience segments ported from Adobe Audience Manager. Advertisers can manage the segments in Advertising Cloud Search. Purchase history, time since purchase, and URL-level page visitation data become available to advertisers for those who want to build out richer audience segments that the two platforms can share.

These segments are synced via server-to-server integration for real-time segment population updates. Soon, Advertising Cloud Search will also offer algorithmic bid optimization based on Bing RLSA audiences. These audience segments can be targeted and used to adjust search keyword bids similar to RLSA audiences — as well as to customize messaging and landing page experiences based on previous actions and site activity, according to the companies.

DSA campaigns use an advertiser’s website and specific pages and page categories to dynamically create personalized ad copy in headlines and on landing pages. It will then serve the ad when relevant search keywords are used.

The goal is to help advertisers better monetize long-tail keywords as well as keywords they have not seen before, in addition to improving responsiveness to rapidly changing website content.

The integration allows advertisers to manage Bing DSA campaigns along with their other search campaigns from within a single platform, improving efficiency and simplifying tracking.

In addition to Bing, Adobe Advertising Cloud Search also integrates with search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Baidu, Yandex and others. Search Marketing Daily
