And You Wonder Why Business is Bad

by Steve DiGioia February 16, 2016

February 16, 2016

…doesn’t the buck stop with you?

you wonder why business is bad

We hire those we expect to help us get better. We want them to be the front line of our business. We put our trust in their efforts to do what is “right” for our customers. But then we fail them

The problems start right at the “orientation phase”. Who takes the new employee and immerses them in the “culture of the business”? Oh, this doesn’t happen at your company? And you wonder why business is bad.

You don’t support them because you have meetings to go to. You keep the “bad” ones far too long with little accountability. You don’t provide the tools needed for them to do their job. And you wonder why business is bad.

You allow employees to come in late or call out with impunity. You stopped the departmental or customer service training because you didn’t think it mattered. You no longer worry about employee standards of appearance. And you wonder why business is bad.

You cut staff and put management in their roles, but just for a “few days or so”. You postponed your marketing and promotion because “they’re not working anyway”. You didn’t reinvest in the business until enough complaints came in about your damaged furnishings. And you wonder why business is bad.

You don’t have management that routinely meets with the hourly employees. You have management that thinks they know better than the staff. You have so many complaints filed in HR that they can’t keep up and the lawyers are always on property. And you wonder why business is bad.

You handcuff your managers by not giving them authority to make changes. You insist on doing things YOUR way and your favorite line is “we’ve always done it this way“. And you wonder why business is bad.

Too many after-work drinks at the bar, profanity is accepted, customer feedback letters go unread, incoming telephone calls ring far too long before being answered, the boss keeps coming in late…and you wonder why business is bad.

Where does it end?

Not until ownership or the corporate leaders understand they must be more concerned about how the business is run then who is running the business!

It’s not about YOU!

Senior management is not in charge, the customer is.

Stop all the meetings and stop putting profit above people. Actually get involved in the day-to-day operation of your business.

Show some leadership for once…you’ll be surprised what you find.

Stop blaming others, the low or mid level managers, for the ills of the business. Don’t talk about giving them a “pink slip“. If YOU write the check, it’s YOUR fault. What have YOU done to make it better.

Maybe it’s time for YOU to get the pink slip!

Am I being too hard on “the boss”?

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