Apps For Smart Glasses Heading To 11 Million

Apps For Smart Glasses Heading To 11 Million

by , May 14, 2018

Apps For Smart Glasses Heading To 11 Million |

The number of consumer smart glasses apps will reach 11 million within four years, driven by games and education, according to a new report from Juniper Research.

The number of enterprise mixed reality applications will approach 40 million by 2022, an increase from 7 million this year, according to the study. Overall, the total number of MR applications will reach 9 billion by 2022, an increase from 3 billion this year, for a growth rate of 212% over four years.

Mixed reality applications display digital information or objects over what is being viewed in the physical world, with the ability to interact in real time.

Games will account for more than 40% of consumer MR app revenues by 2022, according to Juniper, which noted that smart glasses reaching mass adoption depends on improvements in field-of-view, device weight, battery life and processing power being prioritized.

The research found that opportunities are limited in the consumer marketplace because of the fragmentation of the operating system ecosystem. Juniper recommended that device vendors leverage Android’s OS rather than utilizing proprietary systems to increase accessible future content giving developers a higher reach for applications. Search Marketing Daily
