Did you “like” a Russian-sponsored Facebook post? Find out here

Facebook is currently trying to make amends for the revelations that Russian-sponsored troll farms bought political ads over the 2016 presidential campaign. The social network has been highly scrutinized for its inability to reckon with this problem, and has begun trying to–at the very least–indicate to the world that it’s trying to solve it.

With this, Facebook has pledged to be more transparent about political ads, and now it has also released a tool to inform Facebook users if they interacted with any posts that were created by these foreign actors.

Did you “like” a Russian-sponsored Facebook post? Find out here | DeviceDaily.com

If you have interacted with any of this content, the tool will list which accounts or pages you liked or followed. And if you log in with your Instagram account, it will list any Russian-sponsored Instagram accounts you followed. I gave it a try, and it turns out I haven’t interacted with any, but I’m not much of a Facebook “liker” anyway.



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