Facebook suddenly cares about news again


Facebook’s ever-changing opinion on which content it will boost in its News Feed is, well, changing yet again. After the company announced only a few months ago that it would de-emphasize content from publishers and brands, meaning news organizations would likely see their Facebook traffic significantly decline, Facebook has announced a new feature for breaking news.

According to a new blog post, Facebook is now letting a select few publishers their label articles as “breaking news.” They can give this designation to one post a day, and have that post remain labeled as such for a set period of time. Facebook adds that during the first tests for this feature, the posts labeled “breaking” saw increased engagement on the platform.

To recap: Facebook is saying that even though news didn’t work on the platform before, it now kind of does, but only a little bit of news at a time. Make sense?

You can read the full blog post here.


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