How to calculate age manually?

How to calculate age manually?

Age is the length and duration of time a man has lived from the day of his birth till the present day. Normally age is related to living things and specifically human beings. For various things it is vital to know the age of a person. For example filling a form for an admission in a college or university or to get a job, you have to write your age in the personal details section. Similarly, while marrying a girl, for you her age is also a concern.

Easiest manual method to calculate age:

Through various methods, you can calculate your age and one of the easiest ways to calculate your age manually is to start it from one year after the year you were born till the ongoing year. Like if you were born in the year 1991, you will start counting your age from the year 1992 as this year you were turned one. And from there you will count it till the present year like it is 2019. So your age will be 28. The month also matters a lot while calculating the age. If you were born in the month of February 21st, 1991, then till January 2019, your age will be calculated as 27 and it will be turned in 28 after February 21st.

Other manual methods of calculating age:

You can calculate your age on Microsoft excel and through mathematical calculations manually. One method to calculate age is that calculate it in decades and add the rest of the years in it. For example if you were born in 1982 calculate the decades, from 1982 to 1992 is equal to one decade, from 1992 to 2002, second decade, from 2002 to 2012, third decade. Now you have 3 decades that means 30 years and add rest of the years in it. From 2012 to 2019, seven years remain. Add 7 into 30. Your age will be 37. In this method of calculation you do not need to calculate all the years. It makes your calculation easy.

Another easiest manual age calculating method is subtracting the birth year of a person from the current year. For example, if a person was born in the year 1989 and now it’s the year 2019. You will simply subtract the birth year from the current year. Current year – birth year = age, 2019-1989= 30, so the age of that person is 30 years. Now everyone has calculator on their mobile phones so it is suggested to use your mobile calculator if you care to calculate the age manually. With this the chances of human error will be minimized.

Age calculation method in different countries:

The age calculating method is not same in the whole world. Every country has its own customs and norms and they calculate the age according to their own traditional and cultural values. In China the age is counted differently as they believe that the child born at the age of one and his age is calculated not according to the month and year but with the Chinese New Year. Like if a baby born even 2 days before the New Year of China after two days the age of the baby will be 2 years according to their tradition. While in reality he is just 2 days old. Some countries do not add the current year while calculating the age and some countries do. Therefore, while counting your age keep your customs and traditions in your mind.

Age calculator:

To make the age calculation process easier and more detailed online age calculator came into existence. Now you cannot calculate your age according to year, calculate it in months, weeks, minutes, and even in seconds. Super easy to use and save your time and effort to calculate the age manually that always have the chances of human error. With these calculators within seconds you can calculate the age in all the categories including year, months, weeks, minutes, and seconds.

Just enter your full date of birth including month and year and enter the date, month, and year you want to know your age and hit the button of calculate. Within seconds it will show you accurate results. It can be confusing in some situations as in some cultures the age is counted without including the current year so you should keep in mind your customs before counting your age through these online digital calculators.

Advantages of calculating age:

Counting your age is very important. How old are you? How old were you in a specific year? And how old will you be in a certain year? In the present age, in some situations it is essential for you to know. For instance you have to see the eligibility criteria of admission to a university you are preparing for, you will calculate your age when you can get admission in that University. In some traditions the age of a boy and girl is used to decide whether they are allowed to marry or not. In India, the decision of marriage is taken after comparing the age, year, date, month, and even time of birth of the groom and bride. They observe whether their stars matched with each other or not.

Now you can easily not only calculate your age in years, but you can also calculate your age with the help of these calculators within seconds in different categories and can use it according to your needs. It saves your time and effort you were put in calculating the age manually that included the complicated formulas and mathematical procedures. For astrologists it is playing a crucial role. If you are interested in astrology, you can now tell the astrologist your exact age. Even some astrologists are using it as well to count the age of their clients to solve their problems and guiding them.

Bottom Line:

Calculating age at present is neither difficult nor complicated. You just need to open a window in your system with an internet connection and add your date of birth and the date you want to calculate your age in the free age calculating calculator. Get accurate answers within seconds.

About the Author: Malik Wasif

Malik Wasif - How to calculate age manually? |

Malik Wasif writes SEO articles for online business marketers and SEO tools users to make their Google rankings surge. His articles have appeared in a number of websites i.e., eLearning Industry, Calculators-tech and Inside Tech Box. He contributes articles about digital marketing, SEO techniques and tech regularly.
