How Twitter Is Mourning Prince’s Death

Twitter is how we collectively mourn now. Since the sudden death of Michael Jackson in 2009, the service has become a virtual public vigil every time the world loses well-known, beloved, and creative figures. This afternoon is no exception.

Pop music legend Prince was found dead at his home outside Minneapolis this afternoon and we are, once again, watching the five classic stages of grief unfold on Twitter: First, denial, followed by anger (at the toll 2016 is taking on musicians, specifically), bargaining (he was just partying last week!), depression, and—perhaps eventually—acceptance. Most appropriately of all, the world is processing the loss by sharing famous performances, iconic moments, and personal memories.

At first, it seemed impossible…

Then we shook our heads at ruthless year for music.

We scrambled to relive the music of a digital skeptic

But that didn’t stop us from sharing some unforgettable performances

… Or memories

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