Michael Cohen’s entire congressional hearing summed up in one image

By Joe Berkowitz

Hypocrisy gets exhausting after a while.

Take, for instance, the sanctimonious tone with which each GOP congressperson beseeches Michael Cohen during Wednesday’s House Oversight Committee hearing. It’s utterly enervating. One after another, in a seemingly endless conga line of delusion, each representative projects deep moral offense at Cohen’s past sleazy actions, as though those actions in no way reflect the character of the lawyer’s decade-long client, Donald Trump. These people are suddenly so suspicious about the appearance of prevarication or impropriety.

Leading the pack in GOP hypocrisy is Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH), who should be most familiar to political observers as the former wrestling coach who allegedly ignored the sexual abuse of several wrestlers on his watch. His incredulity with Cohen and fierce loyalty to Trump shone through every time he had the chance to speak. It’s enough to make viewers want to do a full-body eye roll–which, thankfully, one person on site did.

Just after Jordan yielded his time and decided to unyield it, arguing with Representative Elijah Cummings (D-MD) to say some more words right away, Delegate Stacey Plaskett (D-USVI) reacted with the 1,000-years exhaustion many viewers felt as well.

Plaskett turns in her chair and says something to Jordan that viewers can’t hear, but the gist of which is unmistakable. The look on her face betrays the fact that Jordan may have started out beneath contempt, but has now sunken to explore heretofore untold subterranean stratospheres of double-contempt. It is not a look anyone would feel good about receiving.

Realizing that she has achieved meme status, Plaskett has since begun retweeting fans of her big moment.

In these turbulent political times, it can be hard to even believe that what is happening is actually happening. It’s somewhat gratifying–and sanity restoring–to see a politician who clearly feels the same way.

Expect the look on Plaskett’s face to achieve a second life in GIF form the next time a politician does something mind-bogglingly hypocritical. You won’t have to wait long.

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