Nearly half of jobseekers lie on their resumes

August 21, 2017

Do you know someone who misrepresented themselves on their resume? If so, you’re among 46% of over 1,000 workers and the more than 300 senior managers who reported that they know someone who included false information on a resume. Those lies are on the rise, according to this new survey from staffing service OfficeTeam, a Robert Half company, as it indicates a 25-point increase over the past six years.

  • People lie about what they’ve done: Job experience (76%) and responsibilities (55%) were the top areas candidates fudged on.
  • Men know more liars: Male workers (51%) know someone who fibbed vs. 39% of women.
  • Younger workers know more liars: 55% of employees ages 18-34 said they know someone who didn’t tell the truth.

Red flags that recruiters look for are often as simple as an ambiguous description of experience such as “involved in,” dates that don’t add up or are missing, and online information that doesn’t align with what’s on the resume. The survey found that 38% of senior managers cut a candidate from the running after discovering they lied.

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