Sick of Quarantine? 8 Simple Steps to Go Out Safely

Sick of Quarantine? 8 Simple Steps to Go Out Safely

Sick of Quarantine? 8 Simple Steps to Go Out Safely |

Pandemic-related quarantine isn’t just annoying; it’s also a mental health problem. Global studies show that both adults and teens are negatively affected by staying indoors for long periods of time. And that’s not good for individuals, families, or communities.

Sure, you could wait until the emergence of a vaccine to reduce the risk of acquiring Covid-19 before leaving home. However, that could mean more months cooped up. Instead, rely on some technologically sound preventive measures and products to enable you to go out safely. 

Our team tried a few dozen popular ones. Here’s what we recommend:

1. Breathe in sanitized air wherever you go.

Do you worry about the possibility of inhaling contaminated air, especially in highly trafficked places like airports and train stations? A light-based sanitation tool called uvSABA delivers disinfected air right to your nose.

The uvSABA unit uses UVC light, which has been proven to change the genetic properties of viruses similar to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. It can also be carried around discreetly and used in conjunction with face masks and shields.

2. Wear jewelry that reminds you to stop touching your face.

One of the fastest ways to transfer pathogens to your nose or mouth is by touching your face. Yet it can be tough to stop the habit. That’s where a piece of unique jewelry could come in handy. 

The water-resistant Slightly Robot bracelet vibrates gently when you engage in unwanted behaviors, thanks to an internal accelerometer. It’s a fashionable, friendly reminder to keep your hands below your chin unless you’re securing a face mask.

3. Avoid hand-to-surface contact in germy places.

You’ve probably wondered whether you should be wearing some kind of protection on your hands. After all, opening doors and grabbing products off shelves can expose you to Covid-19 through surface contact. But walking around with gloves on might be uncomfortable.

One interesting, and potentially fashionable solution — is the ghluv. Like a toeless sock that goes around your wrist, the ghluv makes the world safe to the touch. Anytime you need a barrier between your hand and a surface, pull your ghluv around your fingers. It’s a surprisingly simple solution to carrying extra protective gear. Plus, it’s unlikely to get lost because it sits on your body.

4. Get an antimicrobial keychain tool.

The next time you’re forced to touch a keypad, forget about using your fingers. Instead, pull out an antimicrobial keychain tool. 

Many of these innovations have popped up since the beginning of coronavirus. Some of these key-shaped devices can even help you open certain doors.

Use your keychain not just for storing your house and car keys, but also to protect you from virus exposure. You’ll still want to have hand sanitizer as a backup, of course. But knowing that you’re touching fewer grimy places should give you peace of mind.

5. Cover your torso and head completely. 

Maybe you have a compromised immune system. If so, you may hesitate to go outside at all, even for walks in the park. Instead, consider the BioVYZR.

The BioVYZR forms a seal around your upper body and head. Pressured, filtered air is pushed into the headspace, and the air you exhale is forced out. A built-in, see-through visor gives you clear front and peripheral vision. Though a bit space-age in looks, the BioVYZR could be your ticket out of the house.

6. Download contactless payment apps.

Originally, contactless payment apps were touted as time-savers. Now, they may be literal lifesavers.

If you own a smartphone, you have all the hardware you need to make contactless payments. Still, you may have to open an account with a new financial provider to enjoy this service. 

Alternatively, get a contactless credit card. It’ll give you the same benefit and you won’t have to whip out your phone.

7. Bring bacteria-fighting bags to the store.

Perhaps you already bring your own bags with you when you go shopping. To protect yourself further, consider purchasing a reusable bag treated with proven antibacterial technology.

Be sure to research these bags before you buy them: Depending on the coating used, some are more effective than others.

Want another reason to reach for different bags? Antimicrobial versions can protect you against common problems associated with fabric ones, like salmonella and e-coli development.

8. Practice the six-foot rule.

A final, and decidedly low-tech but highly effective, way to protect yourself when you’re heading out during the pandemic is to practice the six-foot rule. Give anyone in your vicinity at least six feet of space to minimize viral transference. 

Many people don’t realize what six feet looks like. Give yourself an idea by taking a measuring implement — like a measuring tape — measuring it out. 

Already in the parking lot? Use your sedan as a guide. Cars are generally around six to seven feet wide. So make sure you have about a car width between you and non-family members while shopping or dining.

You don’t have to stay home all the time as the world recovers from Covid-19. You don’t even have to limit yourself to solo walks in empty parks. Enjoy life a little and de-stress—just make sure you’re taking your health seriously by practicing prevention.

Image credit: Anna Shvets; Pexels

The post Sick of Quarantine? 8 Simple Steps to Go Out Safely appeared first on ReadWrite.


Brad Anderson

Brad Anderson

Editor In Chief at ReadWrite

Brad is the editor overseeing contributed content at He previously worked as an editor at PayPal and Crunchbase. You can reach him at brad at
