Super Tuesday live results: 4 ways to track the votes in real time

By Christopher Zara

It’s hard to believe, but since the start of the 2020 presidential primaries, almost two dozen Democratic hopefuls have dropped out of the race. Now, with just five candidates remaining, voters in 14 states will help decide their ultimate fates on this Super Tuesday. Here’s what to know about this consequential primary election day:

Which Democratic candidates are left?

Just five! Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Tulsi Gabbard, Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren. However, due to early voting, some of the candidates who have recently dropped out could still pick up delegates.

Which states are voting?

Voters in 14 states and American Samoa head to the ballot boxes today: Arkansas, Alabama, California, Colorado, Maine, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Vermont, Texas, Utah, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, and Oklahoma. All told, more than 1,300 delegates hang in the balance.

Where can I see live results?

The first polls start closing at 7 p.m. ET today, and a number of news outlets will publish real-time results and other special Super Tuesday coverage online. I’ve rounded up a few good options here:


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