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Twitter reports record number of takedown requests from governments
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Twitter reports record number of takedown requests from governments

Twitter ‘Transparency Center’ shows government data requests by country

It’s full of data pulled from past transparency reports.

Christine Fisher
C. Fisher
August 19th, 2020
Twitter reports record number of takedown requests from governments |
NurPhoto via Getty Images

About every six months, Twitter releases a transparency report detailing things like how many state-backed accounts it has suspended and the number of government requests for information on account holders. Today, Twitter is unveiling a centralized hub for those reports and the data they contain. The new Twitter Transparency Center is now live.

The Transparency Center includes past reports and summaries, transparency-related blog posts, data visualizations and a country comparison tool. In addition to English, reports will soon be available in Arabic, Turkish, Spanish, German, French, Japanese and Portuguese — Twitter recently began testing automatic translations in the app in Brazil.

“Our goal with this evolution is make our transparency reporting more easily understood and accessible to the general public,” Twitter said in a blog post.

The Transparency Center could be especially important with the 2020 presidential election looming, though the data currently available is from July 1st to December 31th 2019. The report covering January through June 2020 has been delayed due to the pandemic and getting the Transparency Center up and running.

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