You can’t have nice things: MoviePass is introducing surge pricing

By Melissa Locker

MoviePass spent (June 30, 2018) mocking AMC for introducing its own monthly movie-theater subscription service. It tweeted that AMC’s new service would be “twice the price for 1/4 the theater network and 60% fewer movies” and claimed that AMC is just in it for “more profit.”

The virtuous trolling of AMC is rubbing some subscribers the wrong way, though, in the wake of reports that MoviePass is adding what CEO Mitch Lowe calls “high-demand” pricing for very popular movies. In a move akin to Uber’s unpopular surge pricing practice—where increased demand leads to higher prices—MoviePass members will soon have to pony up $2 or more to see films the app deems very popular with MoviePass subscribers, according to Business Insider, which spoke with Lowe.

The changes will be in place by August. Members will also be able to add a friend when buying tickets through the app and will have the option, at an added price, to order tickets to IMAX and Real 3D movies. But when you can’t see the latest installment of Jurassic World for free, moviegoers may riot—or they may consider signing up for AMC’s service instead.



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