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You’ll never play ‘Super Mario’ like this
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You’ll never play ‘Super Mario’ like this

Mariella Moon, @mariella_moon

June 23, 2017
 You'll never play 'Super Mario' like this |
Abhishek Singh

You have a lot of Super Mario games to choose from, but you’ll probably never be able to play one of the most fun versions out there. That’s because it was created as an unofficial augmented reality game by developer Abhishek Singh for the Microsoft HoloLens. It’s a first-person AR game, to be exact, so you’ll literally have to walk and jump around to avoid virtual pipes, step on Goombas and chase mushrooms. Singh told CNET that the thought of recreating a whole Super Mario Bros. level struck him while learning the basics of HoloLens development, because why not?

Singh used Unity 3D to create the level and recorded the video below entirely through HoloLens without post-production. He said the hardest part of the process was tweaking the game to work in a large outdoor environment, since HoloLens wasn’t exactly designed for physically big games like that. We say all that effort’s worth it, especially if you can find a Mario (or Luigi) costume to complete the experience.

Obviously, Singh can’t release the game due to copyright reasons, though CNET says he’s considering giving the code to other gamemakers. As for the rest of us? Well, we at least have Super Mario Odyssey to look forward to.

Source: YouTube


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