7 bizarre things we just learned about WeWork’s CEO

By Marcus Baram

The harsh glare of attention focused on WeWork CEO and cofounder Adam Neumann amid the company’s slashed valuation and IPO blunders keeps getting more intense. Just this week, the company delayed the offering as it scrambles to deal with questions about its leadership and losses, while Neumann has insisted that a deal will happen by the end of 2019.

But today’s Wall Street Journal features a profile of Neumann that included some insane new details about the larger-than-life entrepreneur, which go way beyond the introduction in which he’s “zipping across the Atlantic Ocean in a Gulfstream G650 private jet with friends last summer, smoking marijuana.”

    He has expressed interest in becoming prime minister of his native Israel.

    He “recently talked with a political pro about the feasibility of changing the laws so people not born in the U.S. could run for president.”

    He has considered running for “president of the world.”

    He has talked about his desire to become the world’s first trillionaire.

    He is trying to live forever.

    He told employees that one day the company could end world hunger.

    Speaking of food, he banned meat at his company, later clarifying that employees couldn’t expense meals with meat but could eat meat in the office. Despite those decrees, he himself was later spotted eating . . . you guessed it, meat.

Read the full story for all the details.


Fast Company , Read Full Story
