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Apple Card’s new web portal lets you pay your balance on a PC
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Apple Card’s new web portal lets you pay your balance on a PC

Mariella Moon, @mariella_moon

July 3, 2020

Apple Card's new web portal lets you pay your balance on a PC |


You’ll no longer have to be entirely dependent on the Wallet app for your Apple Card transactions. The tech giant has launched a web portal for its credit card, giving you a way to pay your balance online even if you don’t have or have lost access to your phone. No need to call Goldman Sach’s anymore.

In addition to providing a way to view and pay your balance on a desktop or laptop, the portal also shows your available credit and lets you download previous statements as PDFs. Further, it gives you a quick way to set up scheduled payments, to link or to remove connected bank accounts as well as to contact support.

As 9to5Mac notes, this the first time Apple is giving you access to your credit card info outside of the Wallet app. A lot of users have been asking for a web portal since Apple Card launched last year, with the tech giant touting it as a modern credit card that you can use to pay with your phone — one that doesn’t have fees and has a Daily Cash program that immediately allows you to use the money you get back. You can log into Apple Card’s website right now using the Apple ID associated with your card.

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