Billionaire Elon Musk is offended that the media calls him a billionaire

By Pavithra Mohan

Today, as on most days, billionaire CEO Elon Musk was perusing Twitter and decided to share a hot take on the media’s use of the term “billionaire.”


To reiterate: Musk, whose net worth is upwards of $20 billion, believes the term “billionaire”—when used accurately, to describe a billionaire—is “almost always meant to devalue and denigrate the subject.” As is often the case, Musk then took it upon himself to respond to critics of his very bad tweet, subjecting a Twitter user to an onslaught of replies from Musk fanboys.

Some would say this was “meant to devalue and denigrate” the user in question, who happens to be a woman!

Not for nothing, but today’s tantrum seems to have been prompted by the decision not to use a Musk-built mini submarine to help rescue members of a boys’ soccer team from a cave in Thailand. The submarine was deemed “not practical” by the person overseeing the rescue, but Musk claimed he had been in communication with divers on the team who encouraged his help. He insisted the submarine could have made the journey—so much so that he left it in the cave “in case it may be useful in the future.”

But it sounds like his billions of dollars may have been better spent elsewhere.



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