Cryptocurrency: The New Job Market No One Is Talking About [Infographic]

— May 10, 2018

The world is changing faster than you can keep up. In today’s job market those who aren’t adaptable will be left behind. If you want to steel yourself against the fate of becoming obsolete, the single most important thing you can do is learn to adapt to change. Whether you graduated from college two years ago or twenty, the job market is already different than what you were trained for. One of the biggest changes is the surge in careers in cryptocurrency and blockchain fields.

Cryptocurrency is a digital form of currency built on blockchain technology. It is different from fiat currency in that it is not issued by a governing body and it is entirely dependent on technology to function properly. This means that the people who actually built the technologies used by cryptocurrencies are the linchpins of the industry – if the technology doesn’t function properly everyone loses. But that doesn’t mean there aren’t openings for non-tech related jobs – a company in Estonia made international headlines last month for advertising a job for a “Meme Specialist” at their crypto startup.

Finding a job in the cryptocurrency or blockchain fields isn’t always easy – there aren’t a lot of recruiters showing up at networking events unless you are going to crypto-specific networking events. You might have some luck looking for job listings on AngelList or Upwork, but Crypto Jobs List is probably the best place to start looking if you are interested in making a career change.

Just two years ago the thought of getting a job in the cryptocurrency sector wasn’t on anyone’s minds at all. Today few people still realize it is a possibility, but those early adopters of the technology stand to become the trailblazers of a new sector, and with compensation packages that include coins or shares they also stand to make a potential fortune.

Learn more about cryptocurrency careers from this infographic!
Cryptocurrency: The New Job Market No One Is Talking About [Infographic] |

Infographic Courtesy of CoinList

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Author: Brian Wallace

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