Do People Trust AI To Make Decisions And Recommendations?

Do People Trust AI To Make Decisions And Recommendations?

by  @lauriesullivan, 9 hours ago

Google Maps needs to provide accurate directions. Netflix needs to recommend great movies to watch. Lyft and Uber need to accurately estimate the time it takes to get from one place to another. People also make use of AI to search on sites like Yelp for restaurants that fit their tastes.

Do People Trust AI To Make Decisions And Recommendations? |

Millions of people daily make decisions based on artificial intelligence. A survey of 2,000 Americans by Innovative Technology Solutions, which provides managed IT services, analyzes the relationship between AI and consumers to examine whether consumers are happy with the progress that is being made and whether they get what they want and trust what they get.

When it comes to AI, survey participants seem to trust GPS apps more often than job search apps or news apps, for example. Those who rate the services gave GPS a satisfaction score of 8.1, compared with news apps at 5.2. TV and movie streaming came in at 7.5, followed by music streaming at 7.3 and restaurant and bar apps at 7.2.

When asked whether they trust friends or AI more, when it comes to GPS they trust friend recommendations the least at 20%, but data apps the most at 65%. People tend to trust data apps the least when it comes to recommendations from AI.

Friend recommendations for job search apps also rated high at 53%, whereas music streaming recommendations from friends rated low at 36%.

Survey participants don’t really trust the recommendations from AI when it comes to dating at 13%, job search at 18%, picking a restaurant at 16% or movies and music at 17% and 24%, respectively.

Some 75% feel that Facebook News Feed broadens their horizons, and ironically, people are most comfortable with AI influencing their finances and least comfortable with AI in judicial and legislative systems.

Survey participants also said they are more comfortable with AI doing their taxes with a satisfaction rating of 6.1, compared with a doctor’s diagnosis and media treatment at 5.6, and an employer using AI to determine their salary at 4.7%. Search Marketing Daily
