eBay Awards Global Media Assignment To MediaCom

eBay Awards Global Media Assignment To MediaCom

by  @mp_mcclellan, July 19, 2019

eBay Awards Global Media Assignment To MediaCom | DeviceDaily.com

Online retailing giant eBay has consolidated its global media account with WPP’s MediaCom.

The company reported global advertising expense last year of $1.4 billion. < ?XML:NAMESPACE PREFIX = “O” />< ?xml:namespace prefix="o"?>

The award followed a closed review — a duel between incumbents MediaCom and Publicis Media.

MediaCom was the incumbent in Europe, while Publicis handled media chores in the U.S.

MediaCom posted a tweet confirming the win: “We’re delighted to announce we’ve been named as the global media agency of record for eBay!”


MediaPost.com: Search Marketing Daily
