Facebook’s Creative Guidance Navigator: A Marketer’s Guide

Facebook’s creative guidance navigator is the latest feature to help marketers improve ad creation and drive more conversions. Facebook reported that during the second quarter of 2021 they had almost 1.9 billion daily active users (DAU). With so many users on Facebook and ad fatigue being a persistent problem for brands, this feature can help maximize your ad performance by tapping into the vast data of successful campaigns in your industry.

If you’re interested in learning how you can use Facebook’s creative guidance navigator to improve your ad creation, then you’re in the right place!

Advertising on Facebook in 2021

Many Facebook users have complained about the number of ads they see; however, this doesn’t stop them from checking into their account multiple times throughout the day. Statista reported that internet users’ average daily social media usage worldwide amounted to 145 minutes per day. There’s no denying that social media is an inseparable part of our everyday lives. It is always there from when we wake up until we fall asleep with our phone in hand.

But, as marketers, we tend to view social media in a different light. You may open up the app and find yourself screenshotting ads or saving them as inspiration for future campaigns. The site is continually evolving, and what may have been successful in the past might see little to no results the next day.

Facebook’s Creative Guidance Navigator: A Marketer’s Guide | DeviceDaily.com

Facebook stats to guide your 2021 Facebook strategy

A few years ago, attracting customers from Facebook was quite simple. This was primarily due to low competition in social networks and a strong focus on transactional marketing. Now brands have access to a number of data points that can allow them to make strategic optimizations to their online strategy. But is your marketing strategy based on the right data? 51% of consumers believe that less than half of brands create content that resonates as authentic. However, 92% of marketers believe most of their brand’s content resonates as authentic with consumers.

Facebook’s Creative Guidance Navigator

Facebook introduced Creative Guidance Navigator, a mini-site with data-backed best practices and ad creation tips to achieve your business goals. These short downloadable and shareable recommendations based on statistical data will help you achieve excellent results on Facebook platforms.

The service has a clear structure and is easy to use. You will see a listing of Facebook ad tips on the main page with a ‘Load more’ button to pull up more recommendations. To make your search process more convenient and narrow the notes to your brand niche, you can filter the display results by platform, ad format, industry, region, business size, and objective.

Facebook’s Creative Guidance Navigator Filter Options

1. Platform:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Messenger
  • Audience Network

2. Format:

  • Carousel
  • Video
  • Static
  • Sound on
  • Branded Content
  • Stories
  • In-stream
  • Mixed Format

3. Industry:

  • Automotive
  • Consumer Packaged Goods
  • Ecommerce
  • Education
  • Entertainment & Media
  • Financial Services
  • Gaming
  • Retail
  • Technology & Connectivity
  • Travel

4. Region:

  • Global
  • North America
  • EMEA
  • Latin America
  • Asia Pacific

5. Business Size:

  • Smaller Business
  • Larger Business

6. Objective:

  • Building Brand
  • Driving Sales
  • Getting Started

Moreover, you will see the options to download or share the specific tip, check the source, and access relevant case studies. That is it – nothing complicated, but still rather helpful for optimizing your Facebook ad campaigns.

When should your business use a Facebook Marketing Partner?

Credit card failures, wrong tracking, over or underspending, consuming data pulls – we’ve all experienced it. And with ever-changing algorithms – it can be difficult to stay on top of trends while scaling your growth. That’s where a Facebook Marketing Partner comes in. Facebook Marketing Partners (FMPs) are agencies and tech companies that have been certified and vetted by Facebook for their excellent marketing skills on the platform.

5 Benefits of Working with a Facebook Marketing Partner

  1. Early access to new features.
  2. Partners are certified experts.
  3. Partners have scalability and flexibility.
  4. Partners can provide ad creation support.
  5. Partners have direct contact with a Facebook representative.


If you are working on Facebook ads or just considering starting a campaign, it is definitely worth running through Facebook Creative Guidance Navigator’s tips. Discover additional insights, case studies, and how-tos. They will help you to achieve your marketing goals faster and easier on Facebook.

Digital & Social Articles on Business 2 Community

Author: Brittany Garlin

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