GTA 5 Online: Weekly Bonuses And Discounts Announced, It’s A Motorcycle Centric Week For the Fans

GTA 5 Online: Weekly Bonuses And Discounts Announced, It’s A Motorcycle Centric Week For the Fans

Rockstar has recently announced the next new round of discounts and bonuses for all the GTA 5 Online players. A new extension for the Tiny Racers bonus event is also included in the latest release.

Most of the new offers are centered around the Motorcycles. Players will be able to earn double GTA$ and RP on every completed Biker Contact Missions. This offer will remain available until May 15, 2017. In addition, a number of Biker-centric purchases are also available with a 25% discount.

The new biker-centric purchase 25% discounted offers include Clubhouses, various Clubhouse customization options, Biker Business properties, and a number of other vehicles.

Furthermore, on various other things, the 25% discount is also applicable. The other items include various vehicles and weapons. Following is the complete list of items with the 25% discount purchase offers.

25% off On Biker Clubhouses:

Biker Clubhouses
The Biker Clubhouse Customizations
Biker Business Properties

Bikers aren’t the only one in the game that are getting discounts, there are a couple more things as well.

25% off On the following vehicles:

Nagasaki Shotaro
Progen T20
Western Company Annihilator
Nagasaki Buzzard
Karin Technical (both prices)
Vapid Desert Raid
Vapid Trophy Truck

25% off On weapons, ammo, and armor:

Vehicle Armor
Bullet Proof Tires
Body Armor
Explosive Ammo (including throwables)
Rocket Launchers
Grenade Launchers

Additionally, all the players will also receive 25% extra earning rewards on every special cargo deliveries. In the period of these new offers, the Tiny Racers mode will keep on offering the double rewards as well.

GTA 5 Online: Weekly Bonuses And Discounts Announced, It’s A Motorcycle Centric Week For the Fans

As for this week, The Premium Special Vehicle Race is “Damned.” It’s a new and versatile Point-to-Point racing event that started out on May 2nd, 2017. Accordingly, the new Premium Special Vehicle Race will remain available until May 8th, 2017. All the participants of the premium race will receive triple RP. However, only the top three participants will have the chance to earn the triple RP as well as the GTA$.

The post GTA 5 Online: Weekly Bonuses And Discounts Announced, It’s A Motorcycle Centric Week For the Fans appeared first on MobiPicker.

