the way to Work in your Weaknesses for a robust 2015

December 22, 2014

  I’m on a regular basis an important fan of avoiding my weaknesses and enjoying to my strengths. on the finish of the day, my weaknesses are my weaknesses for a cause and it’s primarily because I don’t like them. With that, we all have weaknesses that we wish to support on which is why i try to deal with them in a structured means, and separately.

1. identify your weaknesses

the first step within the process is deciding on what your weaknesses are. As G.I. Joe mentioned, “realizing is half of the battle.” once in a while we don’t in reality comprehend what they are so we want to ask for some assist. we all take a seat next to any individual within the place of job or have a significant other that is more than willing to level them out. Set the stage by way of asking them to pay attention to certain things you do, phrases you use, mannerisms you will have, and so forth., and ask if they might respectfully level them out once they notice them. Some examples of issues that have been brought up to me and i’ve labored on previously are the overuse of sure words or phrases similar to “touching base”, “checking in”, “like”, “you know”, “ummm”, “principally”, “when it comes to”, and so on. I additionally had to take presentation coaching to make stronger issues I had with hand gestures, rocking backward and forward while standing, pacing, fiddling, etc. These are all small however vital things we wish to work on to help support our capability to keep up a correspondence and fasten with individuals.

2. center of attention on one weak spot monthly

when we identify what we need to work on, we shouldn’t attempt to deal with all of them on the similar time. My advice is to select one a month to focal point on. When someone cited to me how dangerous I was once at “touching base” and “checking in”, I wrote each of these phrases down, crossed them out with a huge purple marker, and taped them to the entrance of my computer.

3. Get lend a hand from others

I additionally advised everybody I knew to call me out after they heard me saying these phrases at work or at dwelling. i finished up putting off them completely from my vocabulary, and i’m a lot better for it. This month I’m working on taking away the phrase “let me know” from my vocabulary, namely when dealing with shoppers. I wrote a weblog post about this some time in the past known as “The pal Zone” if you wish to find out why. by way of settling on your weaknesses, specializing in them separately, and requesting lend a hand, that you can make enhancements without dropping focal point on what makes you nice. Then, you can transform even higher. just right good fortune and satisfied selling.

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