Julia Louis-Dreyfus signs letter supporting Kavanaugh accuser Christine Blasey Ford

By Joe Berkowitz

September 17, 2018

By going public with her allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, law professor Christine Blasey Ford has ignited a fiery public debate that may ultimately delay the confirmation process. While President Trump announced on Monday that he still stands behind Kavanaugh, Ford got a vote of support from someone who plays a former U.S. president on TV.

A group of women who went to Holton-Arms–the private girls’ school in Bethesda that Christine Blasey Ford attended–have put together a letter of support for Ford. The list of women who signed the letter spans several decades’ worth alumni, and apparently includes Julia Louis-Dreyfus, of Veep and Seinfeld fame.

This letter appears to be a response to the letter that emerged on Friday signed by 65 women who attended high school with Kavanaugh during the period of time he’s alleged to have sexually assaulted Ford, and vouched for his upstanding character. (Considering how quickly the letter appeared after news broke about the accusation, it must have been in the works for a while.)

More than 200 women had signed the new letter supporting Ford as of Monday morning. According to HuffPo, some of the women agree that Ford’s claim “is all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.”

