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Paul McCartney will play a YouTube concert on September 7th
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Paul McCartney will play a YouTube concert on September 7th

Jon Fingas, @jonfingas

September 05, 2018 in Internet

Paul McCartney is no stranger to embracing technology, and you’re about to get further proof of it. The iconic musician is performing an “intimate” YouTube concert on September 7th at 8PM Eastern as part of a YouTube Original production. It’s a plug for his new album Egypt Station, as you might have guessed, but he’ll also play tunes from his Beatles and Wings days.

This certainly isn’t the first YouTube concert, but it’s certainly one of the higher-profile examples. It also shows how much has changed in the past several years. It wasn’t that long ago when legal Beatles downloads were a novelty, and now you can watch McCartney live on just about any screen in your home.

Paul McCartney will play a YouTube concert on September 7th | DeviceDaily.comEngadget RSS Feed

