Pinned June 9, 2021

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Resident Evil’s Jill, Leon and Nemesis are coming to ‘Dead by Daylight’
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Resident Evil’s Jill, Leon and Nemesis are coming to ‘Dead by Daylight’

Resident Evil’s Jill, Leon and Nemesis are coming to ‘Dead by Daylight’

Nemesis can send out AI-controlled zombies to attack the survivors.

Kris Holt
K. Holt
May 25th, 2021
Resident Evil's Jill, Leon and Nemesis are coming to 'Dead by Daylight' |
Behaviour Interactive

Dead by Daylight is pretty much the horror version of Fortnite, at least in terms of crossovers. In the five years DBD has been around, Behaviour Interactive has added horror icons including Leatherface, Freddy Krueger, Ash from Evil Dead, Stranger Things‘ Demogorgon and Pyramid Head from Silent Hill. For its next chapter, DBD is pulling from another classic horror franchise: Resident Evil.

Leon S. Kennedy and Jill Valentine will join the lineup of survivors. There will be a new killer as well in the form of Nemesis (who’ll be known as The Tyrant). Nemesis can employ a tentacle for a ranged attack. If he hits a survivor with it, they become infected with the T-Virus. The more Nemesis infects the survivors, the stronger he gets as the reach of his tentacle increases. Infected survivors also cough and it’s easier for Nemesis to find them. Survivors can counter the T-Virus with vaccines that are scattered across the maps.

Nemesis will also be able to deploy zombies to attack the survivors. They’re the first AI-powered enemies to join Dead by Daylight and they’ll offer players a new challenge. The zombies can infect survivors with the T-Virus as well.

Not to be completely outdone, Jill and Leo bring new abilities (or perks) to the game. Jill can place landmines on generators that explode when the killer tries to sabotage them. Leon, meanwhile, can spawn flashbangs on the map, which can be use to distract or temporarily blind the killer.

Along with Nemesis, Jill and Leon, a fresh map is on the way. It’s based on the Raccoon City Police Department from the Resident Evil 2 and Resident Evil 3 remakes. Because the team has been focused on upgrading Dead by Daylight‘s visuals, this will be the first new map since last June.

The Resident Evil chapter DLC pack will be available on June 15th, which is Dead by Daylight‘s fifth anniversary. It will cost $12. You can also try out the chapter on the current Player Test Build.



