This hilarious AI makes it look like you can pop and lock

By Mark Wilson

For most people, there comes a point in life where they realize they will never be a millionaire, they will never dunk, they will never write that novel, and they will never dance like Channing Tatum.

But at least in the last case, times are changing. A team of UC Berkeley students has developed an AI that can analyze a video of a professional dancer, then apply their moves to your body. That’s right. The #dadbod #dancesquad is coming for YouTube in a major way.

This hilarious AI makes it look like you can pop and lock |

[Image: Caroline Chan/Shiry Ginosar/Tinghui Zhou/Alexei A. Efros]

The paper, which is a perfectly named Everybody Dance Now, describes using deep learning models to train an AI to analyze a source dancer, extract a wireframe of their movements, and then apply that wireframe to a new body using all sorts of deepfake-like video manipulation. The research project’s example video, which seems to feature the research team’s own staff suddenly busting a groove, is already one of the must-see memes of 2018. Savor it.



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