To Win Over Women, Adidas Adds New Products

1. Pure Boost X

Adidas used motion-tracking technology to study the movement of the female foot and designed the Pure Boost X to match it. The sneaker features a floating arch for extra support, as well as material engineered for a flexible fit.

2. Wanderlust Partnership

In addition to collaborating on events, Adidas and Wanderlust are building an influencer program in which Wanderlust participants will lead running and yoga classes. There’s also an apparel collection in the works.

3. Avenue A

In February, Adidas launched its first subscription-box service. The boxes, which are distributed four times a year, feature a celebrity-curated selection of athletic gear, including a full exercise outfit with sneakers and accessories, such as the MiCoach Fit smartwatch.

4. MiCoach Train & Run App

Because data showed that women are motivated by community, Adidas updated its app to include a social feed that allows users to share workout stats with friends.

5. Wearables

Adidas’s smart bra, introduced in 2012, is outfitted with sensors that measure calories burned, heart rate, and other performance indicators. It pairs with the MiCoach smartwatch and the Train & Run app, allowing users to adjust their effort based on real-time feedback.

6. “Here to Create” Campaign

Adidas brought in advertising firm 72andSunny to create the series of ads that present a fuller picture of a woman’s life, from athletic pursuits to family-centric moments. It garnered nearly half a billion impressions.

A version of this article appeared in the October 2016 issue of Fast Company magazine.



1. Pure Boost X

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