Vice is being sued for alleged pay discrimination

Vice Media was reportedly just hit with a lawsuit from a former employee alleging pay discrimination, according to the Los Angeles Times. Elizabeth Rose, a woman who worked at the company for two years as a channel manager and project manager, claims that a colleague she hired made about $25,000 more than she did. This man was eventually given a promotion over her.  “A male executive told Rose that her former subordinate was a “good personality fit” for male clients,” reports the Times.

This is just one of many woes Shane Smith’s media company is facing of late. Reports surfaced last week that Vice missed nearly $100 million in revenue targets, and the company is in the midst of a culture crisis following a New York Times article last year that detailed rampant sexual misconduct.

I reached out to Vice for comment about this lawsuit and will update if I hear back. You can read the full L.A. Times piece here.

Update: A Vice spokesperson provided me with this statement:

We have just been made aware of the complaint and are reviewing it. As a company, we have made a significant commitment to a respectful, inclusive and equal workplace. That commitment includes a pay parity audit started last year, a goal of 50/50 female/male representation at every level by 2020, and the formation of a Diversity & Inclusion Advisory Board.




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