When technology began to appear in education

When technology began to appear in education


The modern education system functions in a society that is at the stage of transition from industrial to post-industrial informational stage of its development. In this regard, a dominant type of human activity has changed.

If until the end of the 19th century, approximately 95% of the working population of the planet worked in the material sphere and only 5% in information processing, by the middle of the 20th century, approximately 30% of the working population of developed countries was engaged in the information processing. The latter means that information, and especially knowledge as its highest form, occupy a special place in the information society.

When technology began to appear in education | DeviceDaily.com

The transition to the information society makes us think about the readiness of graduates of educational institutions to life and to work in the society of the 21st century, therefore the problem of learning arises. Under these conditions, informatization means the entire educational system changing with its code for a new information culture.

Changes in all areas of public life, modern needs in regards to teaching have led to the necessity for an education system modernization. The only possible way for the future development of this area is the introduction of innovations. Currently, no educational institution can operate without modern information and communication technologies using, which have a significant impact on the content, forms and methods of teaching. Therefore, the introduction of innovations is an active remedy of education quality improving.

The term “innovation” introduced for science use by the Austrian and American economist, political scientist, sociologist and historian of economic thought J. Schumpeter.

“For the first time, primarily in the USA, interest in innovative educational technologies arose in the middle of the 20th century, when the first audiovisual training programs appeared, i.e. technical learning,” explains Clay McCarter, PhD in Pedagogy, a Pro-Papers expert. According to Clay McCarter, the term “educational technology”, which appeared in the 1960s, means building a pedagogical process with a guaranteed result.

When technology began to appear in education | DeviceDaily.com

At the end of the 50s of the last century, special research centers on synthesis of pedagogical innovations evolved in Germany and other countries, special publication periodicals devoted to innovations in the field of education.

Meanwhile in Russia, newer approaches to the interpretation of the term “innovations” arose in pedagogy in the mid-1980s, along with-studies in various forms of innovations for pedagogy within the educational system. At this area synthesis of innovations proposed by the great teachers of different countries occurs.

Today, the multimedia learning methods, the technologies that are being actively implemented everywhere, have changed the whole model of education. Almost all major universities combined laboratory experiments with computerized lessons; the result of effectiveness remains the same at lower costs.

A student no longer has a chance to escape from the dirty-hand-practice, as in the case of a standard lecture. Now he/she solves the problem, directly assisted by the technique, and the teacher-role is support only, if necessary. Accordingly, the efficiency of the evaluation also increases: the computer is more difficult to “deceive”, and the methods requires a much deeper knowledge of the subject, which in itself is a result. In addition, the technology does not show a personal sympathy.

When technology began to appear in education | DeviceDaily.com

It is critical to underscore a fact today; it is not so important to know a lot, it is much more important to understand where this “much” can be found and how to use it. Previously, this is how engineers were trained, and today this system is used from preschool age. The development of logic is the main advantage brought by multimedia technologies in education.

It is worth highlighting the active development of a completely new approach to education, in which the possibilities of multimedia technologies are fully utilized. The concept of “edutainment” combines learning and entertainment at the same time.

Experts have found that accelerated receiving and processing of new information in childhood has as its root-cause not only increased brain productivity, but also a qualitatively different approach to the presentation of the material. That is why teachers of foreign languages ??advise their students to watch movies in original language with subtitles, play games on the same principle and work with friends. The more interesting and fun the learning process, the better the result will be.

Thus, due to the fact that our society is at the stage of transition to a new level of activity, i.e. transition to the information society, technological reform of education is no longer a whimsey, but indispensability. The only possible way for the future development of this area is a technology introduction. The introduction of technological innovations in education has made it possible to improve its quality by the most effective means.


When technology began to appear in education | DeviceDaily.com

Author BIO: Hanna Kim

In 2004, Hanna was appointed Creative Director of the American glossy magazine.  Shortly thereafter, Anna was transferred to London as the editor-in-chief of two educational journals: British and Australian.  In 2016, she returned from an educational tour around Africa.  Charity and writing is my passion.  I want to share with my experience, in 2017 I became the chief editor of the educational site – Pro-Papers A custom paper writing service that is dedicated to providing papers of the highest quality within the given deadlines.
