You’ll Know Exactly When It’s Time To Redecorate, According To Houzz

The home remodelling and design platform’s first-ever ad campaign highlights the exact moment you might need it.

The divide between the home you live in and the one that exists in your imagination may never be one in the same, but thanks to the Internet we all have instant access to our most covetous raging jealousy of others’ homes any time and anywhere. The first-ever ad campaign from home remodeling and design platform Houzz pegs the exact moment when people decide a change must be made.

Whether it’s a kitchen renovation or a complete apartment bro-verhaul, the brand is hoping to add to its more than 35 million monthly unique users and 800,000 active home professionals to show that it’s more than a domicile dream board, but a platform to actually get things done.

The campaign, from agency BBH LA, comes just a few months after the brand launched HouzzTV, its own online video hub with two series. First was a series of shorts called “Inspired Houzz,” highlighting creative homeowners and their homes. The second, “My Houzz,” follows people renovating the home of someone meaningful to them, with it’s single episode so far featuring Houzz investor Ashton Kutcher renovating his childhood home for his mom.

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