As One Of Apple TV’s First Apps, MLB.TV’s Rise Continues

MLB Advanced Media started as baseball’s Internet broadcast arm, but has become one of the biggest trailblazers in digital content.

Today Apple debuted the first set of apps for their upcoming Apple TV relaunch, and one of the most interesting is Major League Baseball. MLB, which has partnered with Apple TV since the product’s launch, will offer one of the first apps for the revamped set-top box.

Chad Evans, senior vice president of business development at MLB Advanced Media, says the app will feature a split screen for watching two games at once, statistics, and other features. MLB’s current Apple TV product starts at $24.99 a year.

Major League Baseball, through MLB Advanced Media, currently offers apps or dedicated channels for Android, iOS, Playstation, Xbox, Roku, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, and a variety of smart television devices. MLB Advanced Media, which started off as baseball’s Internet broadcast arm and has rapidly transformed into one of the biggest trailblazers in digital content, serves as a service provider for the NHL, Glenn Beck’s The Blaze, ESPN, HBO, pro wrestling’s WWE, the PGA, CBS during the Final Four, and many other industry players.

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