Glock celebrates National Donut Day with the worst possible brand tweet

By Jeff Beer

There have been two mass shootings every month this year. More Americans were shot to death by March 6th this year than died on D-Day. A week ago, 12 people were killed in a shooting by a city employee at the Virginia Beach Municipal Center in Virginia.

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner. Firearms manufacturer Glock takes the prize with easily the dumbest, crassest, most tone-deaf piece of advertising of the week.

Glock celebrates National Donut Day with the worst possible brand tweet |

[Screenshot: Twitter]

Where to begin? There are all the obvious arguments that this is in poor taste, given the debate around gun violence right now, but wherever you stand on the issue, a handgun is not a toy that should be anywhere near a donut box. What’s next, take a page from Saucony and make a gun decorated like a donut? Of course that would be insane. But then again, so is this.

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