Google Analytics launches Demo Account for learning & training

Demo Account is populated with real data from Google’s e-commerce store and accessible to all users.

Google Analytics launches Demo Account for learning & training

To help people gain experience with Google Analytics, Google is launching Demo Account for Analytics. The idea is to give those without access to a full-fledged account a way to get hands-on experience, but it can also be used by those with access to accounts who want a playground for experimentation before making changes — in a client’s account, for example. And of course, Demo Account can be used in any training environment.

Demo Account is populated with real data from the e-commerce Google Merchandise Store and will include the features marketers typically set up in their own accounts, including Goals and Enhanced E-commerce. Users have Read & Analyze access, so you can create custom reports, alerts and annotations.

google analytics demo account

You can learn more about Demo Account and get access here. If you already have an Analytics account and want to use Demo Account, Google will simply add it to your account, and it will be accessible from the Home tab in Analytics.

Google Analytics launches Demo Account for learning & training google analytics demo account access in GA


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