Tag: Yanks

Technology Highlights - Daily Updates on Technology & Devices

Facebook yanks Trump and Pence ads that included a triangle symbol used by Nazi Germany
Facebook yanks Trump and Pence ads that included a triangle symbol used by Nazi Germany

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2K plans ‘Battleborn’ shutdown, yanks the game from digital shelves
2K plans ‘Battleborn’ shutdown, yanks the game from digital shelves

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Apple yanks Alex Jones’ InfoWars app
Apple yanks Alex Jones’ InfoWars app

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Netflix yanks films from Cannes after new rule about theatrical release
Netflix yanks films from Cannes after new rule about theatrical release

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Facebook yanks education, employment, field of study and job title targeting after advertiser selects ‘Jew hater’ and ‘NaziParty’
Facebook yanks education, employment, field of study and job title targeting after advertiser selects ‘Jew hater’ and ‘NaziParty’

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ESPN Yanks videos From YouTube Over Contract Dispute
ESPN Yanks videos From YouTube Over Contract Dispute

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onto YouTube
